Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The ups and the downs

On Sunday Megan and I went for a lovely run! What started out as a bit of an adventure, meaning us following Alan's instructions, ended up with a bundu bash that should've required a whipper snipper! Up huge hills and down the other side - up and down - and through lovely woodlands, and up and down some more, and then through the bush!

Once again my fear of snakes rushed to the surface and I was convinced I would endure at least 3 deadly venomous bites. Clearly the snakes are more afraid of me, and so we survived with little more than a few scratches and mozzie bites - but we are talking 1.5 m grass here people!

And so 10.5km later, we arrived at my house, very sweaty (the humidity is pretty close to 100% at the moment), but all in one piece.

On Monday night, I entered the Twilight half marathon, which is on 21 March. I uhmmmed and ahhhed about whether to do the 10km or the half marathon, but after my run on Sunday, felt that I could be ready for the half, if I get in a 15 or so this weekend.

And then Murphy struck - I now have a head cold and have done no exercise since Sunday, and looks like that may be me for the rest of the week!

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