Monday, March 15, 2010

On top of the Mountain

I keep maintaining that these legs of mine are "shopping centre legs" and not "mountain goat legs" and these legs were put to the test on Sunday. Kevin's friend, Rob - a seasoned runner of many marathons and ultra marathons - took us for a trot on Mt. Cootha.

We started at 6am - the sun had just shown it's face, and the air was fresh with moisture from a night of rain. Leaving the car on a piece of dirt in Savages road (yes, did make me wonder), we headed along the road for about a kilometer and then turned off into Jones road which gives access to the Mt.Cootha National Park. I cycle in this all the time, but always from the other side.

And the climb began - up and up and a dirt fire track. But the scenery was beautiful, the birds were making a racket which drowned out my puffing and panting, and it was a wonderful day.

The pic is of Kev and I half way up the last hill - in the distance you can see some cyclists: the only other people we saw the whole time.

We finished 10.37km and earned our BBQ lunch!

And excellent training for the wall conditions.

Next Sunday I am running the Twilight Half marathon - still not sure how ready I am...

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