Sunday, September 9, 2012

6 more sleeps......what have I done?

Only six more sleeps until I run my first full marathon!!!
My first thought on waking this morning was: "What was I thinking?"
I dragged myself out of bed, and off to hot yoga - and felt alot better.
And then I went for a slow 5km jog and the voice in my head kept on: "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?"
And then I came home and watched the Michelle Bridge's podcast about Motivation from the current 12WBT, and the message was loud and clear: JFDI (Just F................. Do It!)
So that's what I'm going to do.
What's the worst that could happen? I don't make the cut-off, I don't what!
I got to this point.............and I can do it..................and it might take forever................and it's the longest distance I've EVER run..................but I've raised $800 for the McGrath Foundation...........and I've got 2 new running shirts.....................and I CAN JUST F................. DO IT!
I'll be the one at the the pink tutu! But I'll be there!!!

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