Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just get over yourself!

Sometimes I think that parts of my body are just looking for attention. Yesterday morning I woke up with the most debilitating lower back ache. And that wasn't enough! By the time I'd done my chores and taken Erinn to school, it had spread upwards to a raging headache - one of those that makes you sick to your stomach. So I did something I never do, and climbed back into bed with the wheat bag. After about 30 minutes I managed to call the chiropractor who could see me right away, and so off I went.

A bit of a 'ruk 'n pluk', and some activation in the foot and under the rib cage, and it all felt right as rain. In the meantime, I had made a date to go mountain biking at 7 this morning. And so I told my back to get over itself, and it was perfectly fine by this morning - the head still feels a tad tender. Like I've been partying all week! Head: get over yourself.

And now we are back to the foot. This is my left foot we are talking about. I am an ex-drum majorette (don't hold it against me) and so I still favour my left foot. Do you hear that, left foot? I favour you! You are my favourite foot. So I'm sorry I put you out first when I'm about to fall of my bike, but that's because I favour you which means you are my favourite foot. So please, just get over yourself already! It's time to start running.........

Any other parts of the body wishing to fall apart, could you wait until June please. There will be plenty of time for pampering then. But until then, body, we are going to the wall and beyond.....

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